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Habit Tracker Spreadsheet preview
Yearly habits Sheet preview
Monthly Habits Sheet preview
Monthly habits (completed) Sheet preview
Monthly habits on monthly tab Sheet preview
Weekly habits Sheet preview
Atomic habit tracker - habit selector Sheet preview
Reward selector Sheet preview
Yearly view (February) Sheet preview
Year view Sheet preview
Fields tab color selector Sheet preview
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Need to create new habits? It takes between two to eight months for a habit to stick. We've created this Habit Tracker spreadsheet template in Microsoft Excel to track daily, weekly, and monthly habits across multiple habit categories that can be color coded. Gamify your habits with custom reward amounts for each habit completed, and track progress from month to month or year to date for any year between 2023 and 2033. Supports 400 daily, weekly, and monthly habits across multiple habit types. Like a bullet journal in spreadsheet form, achieve work-life balance with this work-life planner!

Monthly Habits

How to create new habits

How long does it take to form a new habit? According to James Clear, the author of the book Atomic Habits, it can take between two to eight months to make a habit "automatic." If you've ever wondered "how to achieve my goals", or "how to create new habits", this Habit Tracker spreadsheet is for you. But James Clear says the key is to focus on habits, not goals, as the achievement of a goal is only a momentary change, not a sustained change.

Human brains are hardwired to take the path of least resistance, which makes the adoption of new habits hard. Instead, James recommends a four-step process: Make them obvious, make them attractive, make them easy, and make them satisfactory. You don't need a habit tracker app or online habit tracker to do this. Our Habit Tracker spreadsheet template does all four of James' suggestions. Check it out:

First, the Habit Tracker spreadsheet makes your habits obvious. Under the Fields tab, enter the habit categories of different habits you want to track, such as creative, career, financial, or fitness, next to the color you want those habits to be on your tracker. In this "color selector" section, you also have the option to customize the color you each week of the month to be, with week 5 representing any extra days depending on the month.

Fields tab color selector
Atomic habit tracker - habit selector

Below the "color selector", define which new habits to learn across each of the categories in the "habit selector." These could be daily… weekly… or monthly habits… Up to 10 daily, weekly, and monthly habits can be tracked across each of the 15 habit types for a total of 450 habits that can be tracked at one time - not that James Clear would recommend that!

Reward selector

Once all the habits to implement have been added, at the bottom, assign a reward amount for each of the habits to be tracked in the "Reward selector" section. For each day that a daily habit is checked off, that dollar amount is rewarded.

How to track habits

Time to make the habits to track easy and satisfactory. On the "Monthly habits" tab, enter any start month in the filter at the top. The habit tracker is now set from the first of that month. Your progress complete to date, and total earned to date for the whole month are listed underneath.

Monthly habits (completed)

Each of the habits defined before appears according to their color type in the daily habit list. For each day a habit is completed, check off that day on the daily habit tracker. Boom - easy! As each daily habit is completed, the daily completed percentage goes up.

As daily habits are completed across an entire week, the weekly progress bar fills up. Underneath that, the reward earned for each day is tallied. The total earned to date box then tallies the total amount of daily reward earned for the whole month. But there are weekly and monthly tasks to accomplish as well. Each weekly task, like visiting family, washing the car, or hosting a game night is listed out.

Weekly habits

Each week a task is completed, that week can be checked off. The progress bar tracks the percentage completed, with the total amount earned to date. Finally, the monthly habits are listed, with a checkbox to check completition.

Monthly habits on monthly tab

The daily, weekly, and monthly earnings are all summed at the top to see how much progress has been made across all habits to date. Remember, if you want to create new habits, you can download and customize this habit tracker.

Track your progress for a whole year

Let's say you want to track habits in February - when you change the date filter, clear the checkboxes and start over. To keep your progress, either duplicate this tab or use the Full year habits tab. This tab works the same as the Monthly habits tab but includes all 12 months of the current year all in one spot to track progress to date over time.

Yearly view (February)
Year view

In this view, the habit rows are hidden by default. When the next year hits, duplicate this tab, select 2024, and clear the progress to start over. As months of progress go by, the progress boxes at the top sums up all your progress.

Yearly habits

James Clear says that 1% improvement every day is all it needs to be successful, thanks to compounding interest. With this habit tracker, you'll have everything you need to track your progress to continuous improvement.

Remember, you can download and customize this habit tracker spreadsheet template in Microsoft Excel or Google sheets right now. Now, go check out our To Do List spreadsheet template for more tips and tools to maximize your personal productivity.

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