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TED Talks: La Guía Oficial de TED para Hablar en Público Book Summary preview
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La mejor manera de causar una impresión en el mundo actual es levantarse y decir algo. La palabra escrita es importante, pero la palabra hablada es infinitamente más poderosa. Para los líderes y defensores de hoy, hablar en público es una habilidad fundamental, una forma de inspirar, explicar, informar o persuadir, ya sea en los negocios, en la educación o en un escenario público.

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A manufacturing company can apply the public speaking approaches discussed in the book in several ways. Firstly, leaders can use these techniques to inspire and motivate their teams, effectively communicating the company's goals and vision. Secondly, these skills can be used in presentations to stakeholders or potential investors, persuasively conveying the value and potential of the company's products. Lastly, public speaking skills can be beneficial in negotiations with suppliers or clients, helping to build strong relationships and secure favorable terms.

TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" has influenced corporate strategies and business models in several ways. Firstly, it has emphasized the importance of effective communication in leadership and advocacy. This has led many corporations to invest in public speaking training for their leaders and key personnel. Secondly, the book has highlighted the power of storytelling in conveying complex ideas and strategies. Many businesses have incorporated storytelling into their presentations and pitches to make them more engaging and persuasive. Lastly, the book has underscored the role of public speaking in persuasion and influence. This has prompted businesses to leverage public speaking as a tool for marketing, sales, and stakeholder engagement.

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TED Talks: La Guía Oficial de TED para Hablar en Público explica cómo lograr el milagro de un discurso público poderoso. Ofrece un conjunto de herramientas para elegir y diseñar el discurso que funcionará para ti: cómo compartir una idea, construir un hilo conductor y conectar con tu audiencia; las mejores formas de practicar un discurso, elaborar una declaración de apertura poderosa y llevarlo a su conclusión; cómo usar visuales, qué hacer con los nervios y las trampas a evitar. Este conjunto de herramientas te proporcionará la alfabetización de presentación que necesitas para tener éxito en la era de internet.

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A startup can use the key topics covered in the book to deliver powerful pitches by following the guidelines provided. Firstly, they can craft a compelling narrative or 'throughline' for their pitch, ensuring it is clear, concise, and engaging. Secondly, they can practice their pitch repeatedly to ensure smooth delivery and to build confidence. Thirdly, they can craft a powerful opening statement to grab the audience's attention and a strong closing to leave a lasting impression. Lastly, they can use visuals effectively to enhance their message and manage their nerves to deliver a confident pitch.

The themes in 'TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking' are highly relevant to contemporary issues in communication and public speaking. The book provides tools and techniques for crafting powerful speeches, which are essential in today's digital age where effective communication is key. It addresses contemporary issues such as how to connect with your audience, how to use visuals effectively, and how to manage nerves - all of which are common challenges in public speaking today.

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No hay una única forma de dar un gran discurso; todo depende de lo que funcione mejor para ti. La clave es tener una idea que te apasione compartir. Dedica tiempo a elaborar una charla con un hilo conductor definido, una apertura poderosa y un final claro. Evita las ventas agresivas o divagaciones desestructuradas; utiliza visuales para potenciar tu charla; y encuentra formas de conectar con la audiencia. Ya sea que uses un guión o un conjunto de notas, ensaya tu charla hasta que puedas darla completa cómodamente, hablando en un estilo conversacional natural. Gracias al poder de internet, puedes compartir tu idea con otros alrededor del mundo; es una revolución en la oratoria pública que está abierta a todos.

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To effectively connect with your audience during a public speech, you should first have a clear and passionate idea to share. Craft your talk with a defined throughline, a powerful opening, and a clear ending. Avoid sales pitches or unstructured rambling. Use visuals to enhance your talk and find ways to connect with the audience. Rehearse your talk until you can deliver it comfortably in a natural conversational style. The power of the internet allows you to share your idea with others around the world, opening up a revolution in public speaking.

Rehearsing a speech before delivering it is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to familiarize yourself with the content, reducing the likelihood of forgetting key points during the actual presentation. Secondly, rehearsing allows you to refine your delivery, including your pacing, tone, and body language, which are all essential elements of effective communication. Lastly, rehearsing can help to build confidence, reducing anxiety and improving overall performance.

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Alfabetización de presentación

La forma más intensa de comunicación de humano a humano se produce en el escenario público. Es un arte antiguo, profundamente arraigado en nosotros desde el momento en que compartir historias alrededor de la hoguera fue un paso clave para la supervivencia humana.

La mejor manera de causar una impresión es levantarse y decir algo. Hoy en día, internet se ha convertido en una hoguera para todo el mundo; y gracias a su poder estamos viendo un resurgimiento de la antigua habilidad de la retórica, el arte de hablar eficazmente. Una charla toma el poder de la palabra escrita y lo amplifica con nuevas herramientas, creando un mensaje aún más convincente; una charla que se comparte en línea puede llegar a millones de personas.

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Yes, there are several successful public speakers who have utilized the strategies outlined in the TED Talks guide. Some examples include:

1. Sir Ken Robinson: His talk on "Do schools kill creativity?" is one of the most viewed TED Talks. He effectively uses humor and storytelling, key strategies outlined in the TED Talks guide.

2. Brene Brown: Her talk on the power of vulnerability showcases her ability to connect with the audience on a personal level, another strategy emphasized in the guide.

3. Simon Sinek: His talk on "Start with Why" demonstrates the power of a clear, compelling message, a key aspect of successful TED Talks.

Remember, these speakers didn't just use the strategies, they made them their own, which is a crucial part of public speaking.

The ancient skill of rhetoric has been adapted for modern public speaking by leveraging the power of the internet. In the context of TED Talks, the art of speaking effectively is amplified with new tools, such as online sharing, which allows a talk to reach millions of people. This makes the message even more compelling than the written word alone.

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TED comenzó como una conferencia anual para los campos de Tecnología, Entretenimiento y Diseño (de ahí el acrónimo); y se convirtió en el formato perfecto para hablar en público en línea. A partir de 2016, más de 1.5 mil millones de TED Talks se estaban viendo anualmente.

No hay una única forma de dar una gran charla porque todos somos diferentes. Más bien, lo que se necesita es un conjunto de herramientas que permita a cualquiera desarrollar la alfabetización de presentación necesaria hoy en día. Cualquiera puede usar estas herramientas para diseñar el discurso que funcionará para ellos.

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Los fundamentos

Todos hemos experimentado el miedo a hablar en público. Somos animales sociales, queremos conectar con los demás, y también sabemos que hay mucho en juego cuando hablamos: ¡nuestra reputación, de hecho! Pero, con el conjunto de habilidades correcto, puedes superar este miedo y dar una charla exitosa.

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1. Desarrolla la habilidad

Utiliza tu miedo a hablar en público como un poderoso activo; deja que sea el motor que te persuade a prepararte adecuadamente para tu charla.

Hay muchas historias de personas que superaron su miedo a hablar en público y terminaron siendo realmente buenas en ello, como Eleanor Roosevelt, Warren Buffet y Monica Lewinsky. No es un don otorgado desde lo alto, es una habilidad que se puede aprender.

Considera la historia de Richard Turere, un niño de doce años en Kenia que había inventado una forma de mantener a los leones alejados del ganado del pueblo por la noche: un sistema de luces que se encendían y apagaban en secuencia. Su idea se estaba extendiendo rápidamente a los pueblos cercanos y queríamos que diera una charla TED para difundir su invención más ampliamente. ¿Podría este niño extremadamente tímido con habilidades limitadas de inglés subirse a un avión por primera vez en su vida, volar a California y dar una charla convincente a 1,400 personas?

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Richard Turere's story is a direct example of contemporary issues of human-wildlife conflict. In many parts of the world, humans and wildlife share habitats, leading to conflicts. In Richard's case, the conflict was between lions and the village's cattle. His innovative solution, a system of lights that deterred the lions, not only resolved the conflict in his village but also provided a model that could be replicated in other areas facing similar issues. This story underscores the importance of local, innovative solutions in addressing human-wildlife conflicts.

The lessons from Richard Turere's TED talk can be applied in other areas of problem-solving by embracing the principles of innovation, resourcefulness, and resilience. Richard's story teaches us that solutions can come from unexpected places and that even the most daunting problems can be tackled with creativity and determination. This mindset can be applied to various fields, from business to technology to social issues. It also emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and ideas, as Richard did through his TED talk, to inspire and empower others.

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Trabajamos con Richard durante meses para descubrir la mejor manera de enmarcar y entregar su charla, incluyendo la práctica frente a sus compañeros de clase en la escuela. Estaba obviamente nervioso cuando salió al escenario de TED, pero gracias a su preparación, esos nervios solo lo hicieron más entrañable para la audiencia. Cuando terminó, todo el auditorio se levantó y aplaudió.

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1. Preparation is key: Practice your speech multiple times before the actual presentation. This helps in reducing nervousness and delivering a more effective talk.

2. Understand your audience: Tailor your talk according to the audience's interests and knowledge level. This helps in making the talk more engaging and impactful.

3. Be authentic: Authenticity helps in establishing a connection with the audience. Be yourself and share your personal experiences and stories.

4. Use visuals: Visual aids can make your talk more interesting and help in explaining complex ideas.

5. Keep it concise: TED talks are usually 18 minutes or less. Keeping your talk concise helps in maintaining the audience's attention and delivering your message effectively.

The lessons from 'TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking' can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, they can help in delivering powerful presentations that can change minds, which is crucial in business meetings and pitches. Secondly, they can assist in framing and delivering talks in a way that engages and persuades the audience, which is beneficial in marketing and sales. Lastly, they can aid in overcoming nervousness and delivering talks confidently, which is important in all forms of business communication.

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No tienes que ser Winston Churchill o un actor famoso para dar una gran charla, como Richard, puedes ser tú mismo siempre y cuando te prepares a fondo.

2. Desarrolla la idea

Habla de algo que te importe profundamente y reconstrúyelo en la mente de tus oyentes. Dales una idea: algo que puedan valorar, aferrarse y llevarse consigo. Cualquiera que tenga una idea digna de compartir puede dar una charla poderosa.

El secreto para dar una gran charla es simple: tener algo que valga la pena decir. Una idea. Podría ser un simple cómo hacerlo o una descripción de una nueva invención; podría ser un recordatorio de lo que es importante en la vida; o podría ser una discusión sobre una imagen hermosa con significado. Podría ser una experiencia que es única para ti. Piensa en la única cosa que te encantaría poder compartir con todos, solo asegúrate de que sea algo que ofrezca una verdadera visión a la audiencia (¡el estilo sin sustancia es terrible!).

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Some potential challenges one might face while implementing the ideas from the book could include: difficulty in identifying a unique and insightful idea to share, fear of public speaking, and the challenge of delivering a presentation that is both stylish and substantive. To overcome these challenges, one could practice brainstorming and refining ideas regularly, seek opportunities to practice public speaking in a supportive environment, and study successful TED talks to understand how they balance style and substance.

The principles from "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" can be applied in a business environment to enhance public speaking skills in several ways. Firstly, having a clear and compelling idea is crucial. This idea should offer real insight to the audience and be something you're passionate about. Secondly, the style of delivery is important but it should not overshadow the substance of the talk. Lastly, the talk should be tailored to the audience's interests and needs. Remember, the goal is to change minds and inspire action, not just to present information.

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Ser capaz de hablar sobre tu idea en público podría ser el empujón que necesitas para profundizar realmente en un tema. En la sede de TED, todos obtienen un día libre adicional cada dos semanas para estudiar algo; solo tienen que comprometerse a dar una charla sobre lo que han aprendido.

Las palabras importan

El lenguaje humano es una herramienta asombrosa y poderosa. Podemos evocar imágenes increíbles en la mente de nuestros oyentes con solo una frase, siempre que las palabras utilizadas sean compartidas tanto por el orador como por el oyente. Hay algunos entrenadores de oratoria que afirman que la mayor parte de la comunicación proviene del tono de voz y el lenguaje corporal; pero en realidad, el tono y el lenguaje corporal comunican emociones, no ideas. Toda la sustancia de una charla se reduce a un ingrediente clave: las palabras que usas para contar tu historia y guiar a tu audiencia a lo largo de su viaje.

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To communicate two stories and interlink them to deliver your core message in a powerful way, you need to find a common thread or theme that connects both stories. This could be a shared value, a similar challenge, or a common goal.

Start by telling the first story, making sure to highlight the elements that relate to your core message. Then, transition into the second story by referencing the common thread. This will help your audience see the connection and understand the relevance of both stories to your message.

Remember, the power of your message comes from the words you use. Choose words that evoke emotion and paint a vivid picture in the minds of your listeners.

Finally, wrap up by reiterating your core message and how both stories illustrate it. This will leave a lasting impression on your audience and reinforce your message.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you practice interlinking stories, the more natural it will become.

A startup can utilize the key topics covered in the TED Talks guide to enhance their public speaking skills and grow their business by first understanding the power of language and storytelling. The guide emphasizes the importance of using the right words to convey ideas and emotions. Startups can apply this by crafting compelling narratives about their products or services. They can also use effective public speaking skills to pitch their ideas to investors, attract customers, and build strong relationships with stakeholders. Moreover, by mastering public speaking, startups can effectively communicate their vision, mission, and values, which can help in building a strong brand identity.

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3. Evita las trampas

Mantente alejado de los cuatro peores estilos de charla: la venta agresiva, la divagación, el aburrimiento organizacional y la actuación estilizada que carece de sustancia.

Algunos estilos de charla son simplemente feos; evita estos a toda costa:

  • La venta agresiva: el trabajo del orador es dar a la audiencia. Pero, una venta agresiva hace lo contrario; intenta tomar algo de la audiencia. No solo es codicioso, es aburrido para los oyentes y socavará tu reputación.
  • La divagación: una lista desenfocada de pensamientos no solo es aburrida de escuchar, es un insulto para tu audiencia. Claramente, no te importa lo suficiente como para haber preparado tu charla adecuadamente. Te están dando 15 minutos de su tiempo; lo menos que puedes hacer es que valga la pena.
  • El aburrimiento organizacional: las organizaciones solo son interesantes para las personas que están en ellas, para todos los demás, son increíblemente aburridas. En lugar de centrarte en tu organización, habla sobre el trabajo en sí y el poder de las ideas que lo impregnan.
  • El estilo vacío: en su mejor momento, una gran charla inspira a otros, pero el poder de inspirar debe manejarse con cuidado. Un orador que obviamente anhela la aprobación de la audiencia terminará centrándose en el estilo sobre la sustancia, dando una charla que intenta manipular las emociones de la audiencia sin entregar nada realmente valioso.

4. Construye el hilo conductor

Cada charla necesita un hilo conductor, un tema de conexión que une los diversos elementos narrativos. Intenta capturar tu hilo conductor en quince palabras o menos; esta es la cuerda a la que adjuntarás las partes de tu charla.

Tu charla tiene que decir algo significativo. La mejor manera de asegurar esto es tener un hilo conductor claro, un concepto de películas y novelas, el hilo conductor es el tema central que une todo. Una charla sin hilo conductor podría comenzar con, "Quiero compartir algunas experiencias de mi reciente viaje". Compara eso con una charla que comienza, "En mi reciente viaje aprendí cuándo está bien confiar en extraños". Ahora tienes una cuerda, confiar en extraños, en la que colgar cada una de las partes de la narrativa.

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The lessons from "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" can be applied in today's business presentations in several ways. Firstly, it's important to have a clear throughline or core theme that ties the whole presentation together. This helps in maintaining the audience's interest and ensuring that your message is effectively communicated. Secondly, the presentation should be meaningful and impactful. This can be achieved by sharing experiences or stories that resonate with the audience and support your core theme. Lastly, the presentation should be designed to change minds or persuade the audience, which is a key aspect of successful business presentations.

The concept of 'throughline' in 'TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking' challenges existing practices in public speaking by emphasizing the importance of a core theme that ties the whole speech together. Traditional public speaking often focuses on sharing experiences or information without necessarily having a clear, unifying theme. The 'throughline' concept, borrowed from movies and novels, insists on having a central idea or message that connects all parts of the speech. This approach ensures that the speech is meaningful and impactful, as it provides a 'rope' on which to hang each part of the narrative.

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El hilo conductor debería tener un ángulo intrigante o un giro inesperado. No necesariamente tiene que ser declarado justo al comienzo de tu charla, pero al menos debería ser insinuado, para que la audiencia tenga una idea de hacia dónde te diriges. Ten en cuenta también que un hilo conductor no es lo mismo que un tema.

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Para desarrollar tu hilo conductor, comienza averiguando todo lo que puedas sobre tu audiencia: ¿qué les importa? ¿Cuánto saben? ¿Qué esperan? Luego, piensa en cómo dirás lo que quieres decir en 18 minutos o menos. Esto no significa cubrir brevemente todo lo que crees que quieres decir: hay un límite para cuántas cosas puedes colgar en tu hilo conductor antes de que se sienta demasiado lleno. Para hacer tu charla interesante necesitas tomarte el tiempo para (a) mostrar por qué importa y (b) desarrollar cada punto que haces con ejemplos reales.

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The throughline concept has been effectively used in many TED Talks. For instance, in Sir Ken Robinson's talk 'Do Schools Kill Creativity?', the throughline was about the importance of creativity in education. He consistently referred back to this central idea, making his talk cohesive and engaging. Similarly, in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's 'The Danger of a Single Story', the throughline was the idea that our understanding of people and cultures is often incomplete, and this idea was woven throughout her talk. These examples demonstrate how the throughline concept can be used to create a powerful and impactful speech.

In public speaking, a throughline refers to the central idea or theme that connects and runs through the entirety of your speech or presentation. It's the core message that you want your audience to take away. To develop a throughline, you need to understand your audience's interests, knowledge level, and expectations. Then, you need to figure out how to convey your message effectively within a limited time frame. It's not about cramming as much information as possible, but rather about making your talk interesting and meaningful by explaining why your topic matters and supporting your points with real examples.

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Reduce la gama de temas que quieres cubrir para que haya un solo hilo claro que pueda ser desarrollado.En lugar de preguntarte, "¿Cuánto puedo decir en 18 minutos?" pregunta en cambio, "¿Qué puedo desglosar de manera significativa en 18 minutos?" Tu hilo conductor te ayudará a decidir qué dejar fuera.

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Estructura: una vez que tengas tu hilo conductor, construye la estructura de tu charla de manera que cada elemento se conecte a esa línea. Hay muchas formas diferentes de estructurar una charla. Podría ser como un árbol, con cada idea ramificándose del tronco central del hilo conductor; o podría ser una serie de ideas secuenciales donde el hilo conductor es como un lazo que conecta el principio con el final.

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The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking presents a unique approach to public speaking, challenging traditional paradigms by emphasizing the importance of a 'throughline'. This concept, borrowed from storytelling, suggests that every element of a talk should connect to a central theme or message. This can be structured in various ways, like a tree with ideas branching off the central trunk, or a loop connecting the beginning to the end. This approach challenges the conventional, often linear, methods of structuring a speech and encourages speakers to think more creatively and holistically about their presentations.

The lessons from "The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, the concept of a throughline can be used in business presentations to ensure a clear, concise message. This involves creating a central theme or message that connects all elements of the presentation. Secondly, the various structures suggested in the book, such as a tree-like structure or a loop connecting the beginning to the end, can be used to organize ideas in a business presentation. This can help in delivering a powerful and persuasive presentation that can change minds.

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Temas difíciles: ¿cómo abordar algo realmente difícil, como la crisis de los refugiados o un problema de salud importante sin que tu audiencia colapse por la fatiga de la compasión? Intenta enmarcar tu charla no en torno a un problema sino a una idea. Un problema dice, "¿No es esto terrible?" mientras que una idea dice, "¿No es esto interesante?" Enmarca la charla como un intento de resolver un rompecabezas en lugar de una demanda de atención.

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The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking presents several innovative ideas. One of them is the concept of framing a talk not around an issue but around an idea. Instead of presenting a problem as something awful, it suggests presenting it as something interesting. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with tough topics like the refugee crisis or major health problems. It helps to prevent the audience from collapsing from compassion fatigue and keeps them engaged.

The concept of framing issues as puzzles is highly relevant to contemporary public speaking practices. It's a strategy used to engage the audience's curiosity and interest. Instead of presenting an issue as a problem that induces compassion fatigue, framing it as a puzzle stimulates the audience's desire to seek solutions. This approach makes the talk more interactive and thought-provoking, encouraging the audience to actively participate in the discussion.

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Las herramientas

Prepara tu charla como si la fueras a dar a alguien que realmente te gusta, una persona que no está en tu campo pero que es inteligente y mundana. Imagina hablar solo a esa persona, sobre un tema que te toca el corazón. Ahora, utiliza algunas o todas las siguientes cinco técnicas para elaborar tu charla. La mayoría de las charlas contienen elementos de muchas de estas técnicas; piensa en ellas como herramientas que puedes combinar y combinar para construir tu propia charla.

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The ideas in "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" have significant potential to be implemented in real-world public speaking scenarios. The book provides practical techniques and strategies that can be used by anyone, regardless of their field or experience level. These include preparing your talk as if you're speaking to someone you like, using a mix of different techniques to craft your talk, and speaking about a topic that is close to your heart. By applying these ideas, speakers can deliver powerful and persuasive presentations that can change minds, just like a TED speaker.

The technique of preparing a talk as if speaking to a single person is about creating a personal connection with your audience. Imagine you're speaking to someone you really like, who is intelligent and worldly, but not in your field. This helps in making your talk more relatable and understandable. The key is to talk about a topic that is close to your heart, which will naturally bring passion and authenticity to your speech. Use various techniques to craft your talk, such as storytelling, explaining, revealing, encouraging, or modeling. Remember, these techniques are tools that you can mix and match to construct your own unique talk.

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5. Conectar

Encuentra una manera de desarmar la cautela de tu audiencia y construir un vínculo con ellos, para que estén dispuestos a abrir sus mentes a ti. El contacto visual y una sonrisa pueden llegar muy lejos.

El conocimiento tiene que ser atraído por el oyente, no empujado hacia él; lo que significa que tiene que haber una conexión humana entre el orador y el oyente. Comienza entrando con confianza al escenario y haz contacto visual con algunas personas en la audiencia. Sonríe. Si estás nervioso, admítelo; la vulnerabilidad ayuda mucho a construir la confianza de la audiencia.

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The lessons from the TED Talks guide can be applied to improve public speaking in today's digital environment by focusing on creating a human connection, even in a virtual setting. This can be achieved by maintaining eye contact with the camera, using body language effectively, and showing vulnerability when necessary. Additionally, the content should be designed in a way that it pulls in the listener, rather than pushing information at them. This involves making the content engaging, interactive, and relevant to the audience's interests or needs.

A business leader can apply the public speaking techniques discussed in the TED Talks guide during a company presentation by first establishing a human connection with the audience. This can be achieved by walking confidently onto the stage, making eye contact with a few people in the audience, and smiling. If the leader is nervous, admitting it can help build audience trust as vulnerability can be a powerful tool in establishing a connection. The key is to pull the audience in with the message rather than pushing information at them.

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El humor es otra gran táctica para construir una conexión, pero no todos pueden hacerlo; el mal humor es peor que no tener ninguno. Sobre todo, evita cualquier cosa fuera de tono o ofensiva, y mantente alejado de las rimas, los juegos de palabras o el sarcasmo.

No intentes ser alguien que no eres; una audiencia puede detectar rápidamente a un farsante. Evita el nombre-dropping, la jactancia, o hacer que la charla sea toda sobre ti. Cuenta una historia, ya sea como una forma de abrir o una forma de ilustrar la parte media de tu charla. Finalmente, para conectar con tu audiencia, mantente alejado del pensamiento tribal, los tipos de referencias políticas o religiosas que pueden apagar a grandes sectores de tu audiencia.

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The theories presented in The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking challenge existing paradigms or practices in public speaking by emphasizing authenticity and storytelling over traditional methods of persuasion. The guide discourages speakers from trying to be someone they're not, name-dropping, boasting, or making the talk all about themselves. Instead, it encourages speakers to tell a story, either to open the talk or to illustrate the middle part of it. It also advises speakers to avoid tribal thinking, such as political or religious references, that can alienate parts of the audience.

Tribal thinking, as explained in the book 'The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking', refers to the tendency to make political or religious references that can potentially alienate or turn off parts of your audience. It's a form of thinking that categorizes people into groups or 'tribes', often leading to division and misunderstanding. The book advises against this kind of thinking when delivering a public speech. Instead, it encourages speakers to connect with their audience on a universal level, avoiding references that could be divisive or controversial.

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6. Narrar

Todos pueden relacionarse con una historia. Son una parte inherente de la evolución humana, ayudando a dar forma a la forma en que nuestras mentes reciben información. Muchas de las mejores charlas están ancladas en la narración de historias.

Una historia es una herramienta poderosa; te permite llevar a la audiencia contigo en tu viaje. Podrías construir toda la charla en torno a una historia; solo asegúrate de que sea una historia digna de contar, y no solo una anécdota personal sin una idea poderosa detrás de ella. Sobre todo, la historia tiene que ser verdadera. Sin embargo, utilices una historia, recuerda estas cuatro cosas:

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TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" has significantly influenced corporate presentation strategies in several ways. Firstly, it has emphasized the power of storytelling in presentations. Businesses have adopted this strategy to engage their audience and make their presentations more relatable and memorable. Secondly, it has highlighted the importance of delivering a powerful idea, not just sharing personal anecdotes. This has led corporations to focus more on the core message they want to convey. Lastly, it has underscored the importance of authenticity in presentations, encouraging speakers to share true stories and experiences.

A startup can leverage storytelling to effectively communicate their journey by building their narrative around a powerful, true story that encapsulates their journey. This story should not be a mere personal anecdote, but should carry a powerful idea or message behind it. The story should be engaging and relatable, allowing the audience to embark on the journey with the startup. It's also important to remember that the story should be relevant to the audience and the context in which it's being told. This way, the startup can effectively communicate their journey, challenges, and successes in a compelling and engaging manner.

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  1. Personaje: basado en un personaje con el que la audiencia pueda empatizar.
  2. Tensión: utiliza la curiosidad, la intriga o el peligro real para construir una sensación de tensión.
  3. Justo suficiente detalle: demasiado detalle ralentiza la historia; muy poco, y la historia no será vívida.
  4. Resolución: puede ser divertida, conmovedora o reveladora, pero la resolución debe ser satisfactoria.

7. Explicar

Una combinación de metáforas e historias puede despertar la curiosidad de tu audiencia, permitiéndote explicar ideas complejas sin desconcertar a tus oyentes.

Explicar ideas complejas y difíciles puede hacerse si tienes en cuenta cinco puntos. Primero, comienza con donde está la audiencia; no asumas ningún conocimiento avanzado. A continuación, despierta su curiosidad; luego, introduce tus ideas una a la vez. Utiliza metáforas para dejar claro de qué estás hablando; y, finalmente, utiliza ejemplos, pequeñas historias que fijan la explicación en su lugar.

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TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" has significantly influenced corporate presentations and public speaking strategies by emphasizing the importance of understanding the audience's perspective, sparking their curiosity, introducing ideas one at a time, using metaphors for clarity, and incorporating examples or stories for better retention. These strategies have been adopted by many corporate professionals to deliver powerful and persuasive presentations.

In public speaking, metaphors and examples play a crucial role in conveying complex ideas. Metaphors help to create a vivid image in the listener's mind by comparing the concept with something familiar. This aids in understanding and retention. Examples, on the other hand, provide concrete instances that reinforce the idea being presented. They help to lock the explanation in place by giving the audience something tangible to relate to. Both metaphors and examples make the speech more engaging and relatable, thereby enhancing its effectiveness.

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Practica tu charla explicativa con amigos y colegas. ¿Tiene sentido lo que estás diciendo? ¿Fluye un punto claramente al siguiente? Recuerda tu hilo conductor y asegúrate de que la audiencia sepa dónde se conecta cada punto con la cuerda central. Considera decirle a tu audiencia lo que la idea no es antes de lanzarte a lo que es, esto genera curiosidad.

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The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models in terms of public speaking and presentations. It has encouraged businesses to focus on delivering clear, concise, and engaging presentations. The guide emphasizes the importance of a throughline, or a central theme, in presentations, which has led businesses to create more focused and impactful presentations. It also promotes the practice of explaining complex ideas in simple terms, which has helped businesses communicate more effectively with their audiences. Furthermore, the guide's emphasis on storytelling has inspired businesses to use narratives in their presentations to better connect with their audience and make their messages more memorable.

Traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply the public speaking approaches discussed in the book by focusing on clear and concise communication. They can practice their talks on colleagues to ensure the points flow clearly. Remembering the throughline and making sure the audience knows where each point connects to the central idea is crucial. They can also build curiosity by telling the audience what the idea isn't before launching into what it is. These techniques can be used in presentations, team meetings, and even in pitches to potential investors or clients.

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8. Persuadir

Para persuadir a tu audiencia, primero tienes que convencerlos de que la forma en que ven el mundo ahora no es del todo correcta. Utiliza el poder de la razón, acompañado de algunas buenas historias, para reemplazar su visión del mundo con algo mejor.

Donde explicar significa construir una nueva idea en la cabeza de alguien, persuadir significa derribar una idea antigua y poner algo diferente en su lugar. Tienes que llevar a tu audiencia en este viaje paso a paso, preparándolos primero antes de llegar a tu argumento principal. Alternativamente, puedes intentar reductio ad absurdum o reducción al absurdo, toma la posición contraria a lo que estás argumentando y muestra cómo conduce a una contradicción.

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The concept of 'reductio ad absurdum' challenges existing paradigms in public speaking by offering a different approach to persuasion. Instead of building a new idea in the listener's mind, this method involves taking the counter position to the speaker's argument and demonstrating how it leads to a contradiction or absurdity. This method can be more effective in tearing down old ideas and replacing them with new ones, as it directly confronts and disproves the opposing viewpoint. It's a powerful tool for changing minds and is a departure from traditional persuasive techniques.

The book itself does not provide specific examples of companies that have successfully implemented the persuasion techniques. However, many companies use similar techniques in their marketing and communication strategies. For instance, Apple Inc. is known for its persuasive product presentations, where they effectively tear down old ideas about technology and replace them with new, innovative concepts. Similarly, Tesla Inc. uses persuasion techniques in their public communications, often challenging traditional ideas about automotive technology and presenting their electric vehicles as a superior alternative.

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Un enfoque efectivo para la persuasión es convertir a la audiencia en detectives, comienza con un misterio y luego viaja por el mundo de las ideas buscando una solución, descartándolas hasta que solo queda una respuesta lógica.

Solo ten en cuenta que la razón por sí sola puede no ser suficiente para llevar a la audiencia en este viaje contigo, prepárate para usar también algo de humor, una o dos anécdotas, ejemplos vívidos, validación de terceros ("Cada madre de un niño pequeño sabe que esto es cierto"), y visuales poderosos.

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9. Revelar

La forma más directa de regalar una idea a una audiencia es mostrársela: una serie de imágenes, una demostración de un nuevo producto, una descripción de tu visión.

Hay una amplia variedad de charlas de revelación; todo depende de lo que se esté revelando.

  • El paseo maravilloso: esta es una charla basada en una sucesión de imágenes o momentos de asombro; es más a menudo utilizada por artistas y diseñadores pero también puede ser utilizada por científicos. "Si te gustó eso, ¡espera a ver lo que viene después!" Solo asegúrate de que haya un tema claro y enlazante, un hilo conductor que lo una todo.
  • La demo dinámica: para esta, asegúrate de tener algo verdaderamente convincente para mostrar, como una nueva invención o diseño. Comienza con un adelanto ("¿No sería genial si pudiéramos hacer X?"); añade algo de antecedentes o contexto; luego revela la cosa en sí; y termina con las implicaciones de esta nueva idea.
  • El paisaje de los sueños: comunicar un sueño puede dar lugar a una charla poderosa, la famosa charla de Martin Luther King Jr. de agosto de 1963 viene a la mente. La clave es pintar una imagen audaz del futuro que deseas; y hacerlo de una manera tan convincente que otros también querrán ese futuro.


Hay cuatro elementos clave en cualquier charla que determinarán si es un éxito o no.

10. Visuales

Hay una impresionante variedad de técnicas visuales que puedes usar en tu charla; pero primero pregúntate, ¿realmente necesitas alguna de ellas? Un tercio de las charlas de TED no tienen diapositivas ni visuales en absoluto. Pero en algunos casos, buenos visuales son la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso.

Fotografías, infografías, animación, video, simulaciones de big data, todos estos pueden ser utilizados para mejorar tu charla, ¿pero deberías usarlos? Las diapositivas pueden realmente interponerse en el camino de construir una conexión con tu audiencia y no tener ninguna es mejor que tener malas. Entonces, ¿cómo decidir si tu charla necesita visuales? Hay tres categorías de visuales fuertes: para revelar, mostrando algo que es difícil de describir; para explicar, donde una imagen puede valer más que mil palabras, pero asegúrate de que haya una correspondencia convincente entre lo que dices y lo que muestras y evita la sobrecarga; y para deleitar, que puede funcionar bien para los artistas visuales.

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The three categories of strong visuals that can augment a public speaking presentation are: to reveal, to explain, and to delight. 'To reveal' involves showing something that is hard to describe. 'To explain' is where a picture can be worth a thousand words, but it's important to ensure there is a compelling fit between what you say and what you show and to avoid overload. 'To delight' can work well for visual artists. These visuals should be used when they can enhance the understanding or enjoyment of the presentation, but should not be used if they distract from the message or connection with the audience.

Speakers might face several obstacles when incorporating visuals into their presentations. One major obstacle is the potential disconnect between the visuals and the spoken content. If the visuals do not align with the spoken content, it can confuse the audience and dilute the message. Another obstacle is the risk of visual overload, where too many visuals can distract the audience from the main message. To overcome these obstacles, speakers should ensure a compelling fit between what they say and what they show. They should use visuals to reveal something hard to describe, to explain where a picture can be worth a thousand words, and to delight the audience. However, they should avoid using too many visuals that might lead to overload.

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Las cuatro principales herramientas de presentación son PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides y Prezi. Independientemente del software que utilices, asegúrate de que su pantalla esté configurada en 16:9, la dimensión de la mayoría de los proyectores y pantallas. Evita las plantillas incorporadas, o terminarás con algo que se parece a la presentación de todos los demás. Las fotografías deben cubrir toda la pantalla, si eso no es posible, coloca la imagen en una diapositiva negra, y utiliza la resolución más alta posible.

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The advice from "The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" has significantly influenced corporate strategies for delivering powerful presentations. The guide emphasizes the importance of avoiding built-in templates to create unique presentations, using high-resolution photographs that cover the entire screen for visual impact, and setting the display to 16:9 to match most projectors and screens. These tips have been adopted by many corporations to enhance their presentations and make them more engaging and effective.

Different presentation tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, and Prezi each have their own unique features and implications. PowerPoint is widely used and offers robust features, but may lack in design aesthetics. Keynote, while exclusive to Apple, is known for its superior design and seamless integration with other Apple products. Google Slides is accessible anywhere with internet and allows for real-time collaboration, but may not have as many features as the others. Prezi, with its non-linear navigation, can make presentations more dynamic and engaging, but might also confuse or distract the audience if not used properly. Therefore, the choice of tool can impact the effectiveness of your presentation, the ease of creation, and the audience's engagement.

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Mantén un solo tipo de letra, preferiblemente algo como Helvetica o Arial, y utiliza una fuente de 24 puntos o más grande para que tu audiencia pueda leerla. Pero, solo utiliza tres tamaños de fuente en total: uno para los títulos, uno para el texto principal, y uno para las ideas de apoyo. En cuanto a los colores, opta por algo simple y contrastante, negro o un color oscuro sobre blanco.

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Small businesses can use the key topics of font and color usage in presentations to improve their public speaking and presentation skills by adhering to the guidelines provided in the book. They should stick to one typeface, preferably a simple one like Helvetica or Arial, and use a font size of 24 points or larger to ensure readability. They should limit themselves to three font sizes: one for titles, one for main text, and one for supporting ideas. In terms of color, they should opt for simple and contrasting colors, such as black or a dark color on a white background. These strategies can help to make their presentations more visually appealing and effective.

Individuals might face several obstacles when applying the concepts of font and color usage in presentations. One potential obstacle could be the lack of understanding of the importance of font size and typeface. This can be overcome by educating oneself about the impact of these elements on the readability and overall effectiveness of the presentation. Another obstacle could be the difficulty in choosing contrasting colors that are pleasing to the eye and also enhance readability. This can be overcome by studying color theory or using online tools that suggest color combinations. Lastly, individuals might struggle with maintaining consistency in font and color usage throughout the presentation. This can be overcome by setting a standard template at the beginning and sticking to it.

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  • Evita los puntos, guiones, subrayados e itálicas. Todos ellos hacen que la diapositiva sea más difícil de leer.
  • Los videos pueden ser geniales pero mantenlos a 30 segundos o menos y no muestres más de cuatro en una charla de 18 minutos a menos que sea absolutamente esencial para tu trabajo.
  • Asegúrate de tener los derechos de cualquier foto, video o música que utilices, y da créditos donde corresponda.
  • Prueba tus diapositivas con familiares o amigos que no estén en tu campo.Y nunca, nunca des una charla con diapositivas sin antes hacer una prueba completa con el equipo real que utilizarás en la charla.
  • Envía tu presentación a tus anfitriones y lleva contigo una memoria USB que contenga todo. Es mejor prevenir que lamentar.

11. Guión

Puedes escribir toda tu charla y memorizar el guión; o puedes establecer claramente la estructura y hablar en el momento sobre tus puntos principales. Cualquiera de las dos formas funciona bien; muchas charlas son una combinación de las dos.

Algunos oradores insisten en que la única forma de dar una charla efectiva es memorizar un guión completo; otros insisten en que es mejor tener una estructura clara y hablar sobre tus puntos principales. El enfoque que utilices depende completamente de lo que te resulte más cómodo. Lo importante es prepararte a fondo.

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The book does not provide specific examples of individuals or companies that have successfully implemented the public speaking practices outlined. However, it is based on the successful TED Talks format, which has been used by many individuals and organizations worldwide to deliver powerful presentations. Some notable examples include Elon Musk, Brene Brown, and Sir Ken Robinson, who have used these practices to deliver influential talks.

A startup can use the public speaking topics covered in this book to grow by applying the principles of effective communication in their business operations. This can be done by using persuasive speaking techniques during pitches to potential investors, effectively communicating the startup's vision and goals to the team, and delivering powerful presentations to potential clients or customers. The startup can also use public speaking skills to network effectively in industry events and conferences. Furthermore, mastering public speaking can boost the startup's brand image and credibility.

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La ventaja de una charla con guión es que sabes que se ajustará al tiempo asignado; la desventaja es que puede sonar impersonal. Para superar esto, asegúrate de conocer bien el guión para que suene natural; o, mira hacia arriba después de cada frase para hacer contacto visual con tu audiencia; o, condensa el guión en puntos clave y planea expresar cada uno en tu propio lenguaje (que es esencialmente la ruta sin guión). La única vez que puedes escaparte con la lectura de un guión es si tienes algunas imágenes impresionantes para mostrar o si eres un escritor verdaderamente excepcional.

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Reading a script during a public presentation can be acceptable in a few scenarios. One scenario is when you have stunning visuals to accompany your speech. The visuals can distract from the fact that you're reading and keep the audience engaged. Another scenario is if you're an exceptional writer. If your script is written in a captivating and engaging manner, it can still hold the audience's attention even if you're reading it. Lastly, if you know the script so well that you can make it sound natural, it can be acceptable to read from a script.

To effectively deliver a scripted talk, you can employ several strategies. Firstly, ensure you know the script so well that it sounds natural and not rehearsed. This can be achieved through repeated practice. Secondly, maintain eye contact with your audience after each sentence to create a connection and keep them engaged. Lastly, you can condify the script into bullet points and express each one in your own language. This gives the talk a more personal touch and makes it easier for the audience to follow. Remember, the only time you can get away with reading a script is if you have stunning visuals to accompany your talk or if you are an exceptional writer.

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La mayoría de las veces, la audiencia puede notar cuando estás leyendo un guión, por lo que tendrás que prepararte tan a fondo que puedas entregar la charla sin que suene como una lectura. Memorízalo hasta que puedas dar la charla al mismo tiempo que haces otra cosa (como ordenar todos los papeles de tu escritorio). Sobre todo, no pienses en la entrega como recitar la charla, sino como vivir algo que conoces de adentro hacia afuera. Lleva mucho tiempo llegar a este punto, pero para algunas personas es la mejor manera de proceder.

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Yes, many successful TED speakers have implemented the practice of thoroughly preparing their talks. For instance, Sir Ken Robinson, whose talk on "Do schools kill creativity?" is one of the most viewed TED talks, spent months preparing and rehearsing his talk. Similarly, Brené Brown, known for her talk on "The power of vulnerability", also spent a significant amount of time preparing for her talk. These speakers didn't just recite their talks, they lived them, which is a testament to their thorough preparation.

Some key strategies for delivering a powerful presentation as suggested in the book include:

1. Avoid reading from a script: Audiences can usually tell when you're reading from a script. Instead, prepare thoroughly so you can deliver your talk naturally.

2. Memorize your talk: You should know your talk so well that you can deliver it while doing something else. This level of familiarity allows you to deliver your talk as if you're living it, rather than reciting it.

3. Invest time: Achieving this level of preparation and familiarity with your talk takes time, but it's worth the effort.

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Sin guión

Esto no es lo mismo que no estar preparado. Es probable que tengas un conjunto de notas en algún lugar cercano para guiarte a través de tu charla, pero aún así tendrás que practicarla repetidamente con anticipación. Asegúrate de conocer las transiciones de un punto al siguiente, para que no dejes nada inadvertidamente. Prepara tu charla para llenar aproximadamente el 90% del tiempo asignado, para que no te pases del límite.

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A startup can use the key topics from "The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" to persuade their audience and grow their business by applying the principles of effective public speaking. This includes understanding the audience, crafting a compelling narrative, and delivering it with confidence and authenticity. The startup can use these techniques in their pitches, presentations, and communications to engage their audience, convey their value proposition effectively, and persuade potential customers, investors, and partners.

The principles from The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking can be implemented in real-world scenarios in several ways. Firstly, preparation is key. Practice your talk repeatedly in advance to ensure you know the transitions from one point to the next. Secondly, manage your time wisely. Prepare your talk to fill about 90% of the time allotted to avoid running over the limit. Lastly, use persuasive techniques to engage your audience and change minds, as TED speakers do.

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Está bien hacer una pausa de vez en cuando y revisar tus notas, la audiencia lo entenderá. La clave es estar relajado al respecto.

Muchos oradores escriben un guión pero están preparados para hablar espontáneamente el día de la charla. La mayoría en realidad memoriza toda la charla y hace todo lo posible para que suene natural.

12. Ensayos

La mejor manera de mejorar tu charla es ensayándola. Repetidamente. Los músicos y actores siempre lo hacen; los oradores públicos también deberían hacerlo. El objetivo es conocer tu charla tan bien que puedas centrarte en tu pasión.

Las charlas TED verdaderamente exitosas ocurren porque el presentador dedicó horas a la preparación. Incluso si estás utilizando el enfoque sin guión, el ensayo es imperativo. No solo te ayuda a memorizar el material, sino que te hace sentir más seguro y menos estresado. Las mejores charlas memorizadas se conocen tan bien que el orador puede centrarse en su pasión por el tema; las mejores charlas sin guión han sido tan bien practicadas que el orador ya sabe las palabras más poderosas y efectivas para usar.

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Traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply the methods of TED talks to persuade their audience by focusing on preparation and rehearsal. This includes memorizing the material to the point where the speaker can focus on their passion for the subject. Even if the talk is unscripted, practicing it thoroughly will help the speaker know the best and most powerful words to use. This approach can be used in presentations, pitches, or any form of communication in these sectors to effectively persuade the audience.

Some potential challenges while preparing for a TED talk could include: mastering the material, dealing with nerves, and finding the right words to convey your message. These can be overcome by thorough preparation and rehearsal. Memorizing your talk can help you focus on your passion for the subject, while practicing your talk can help you find the most powerful words to use. It's also important to remember that confidence comes with practice, so the more you rehearse, the less stressed you will be.

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Practica, cronometra, elimina todo lo innecesario, luego practica de nuevo. Repite. Haz que alguien grabe el ensayo en un teléfono inteligente, para que puedas ver cómo se ve. Si la charla suena ensayada es porque aún no has practicado lo suficiente para que suene natural.

13. Comienzo y final

Tómate un minuto al comienzo de tu charla para intrigar a las personas con lo que vas a decir. Asegúrate de terminar de la manera en que quieres que se recuerde tu charla.


Incluso si vas por la ruta sin guión, tómate un tiempo para memorizar tus líneas de apertura. Quieres captar a las personas desde el principio. Aquí hay cuatro ejemplos:

Drama: "No estoy borracho... pero el médico que me trajo al mundo sí lo estaba." Esta fue la dramática forma en que la comediante Maysoon Zayid abrió su charla sobre su parálisis cerebral. Toda la audiencia quedó instantáneamente cautivada.


"Una manada de ñus, un banco de peces, una bandada de pájaros. ... ¿Por qué se forman estos grupos?" Así es como el escritor de ciencia Ed Yong comenzó su charla sobre parásitos.

Visual: "Déjame mostrarte algo." "Lo que estás a punto de ver cambió mi vida." "¿Puedes descubrir qué es esto?" Una imagen o video hermoso, impactante o intrigante puede ser un gran abridor de charlas.

Provocación: "En los próximos minutos revelaré lo que creo que es la clave del éxito como emprendedor." No has revelado mucho, pero has despertado el interés de tu audiencia. Solo asegúrate de cumplir realmente con la promesa de la provocación.


No cierres con algo como, "Bueno, se me acabó el tiempo así que terminaré ahí" o "Finalmente, gracias a mi equipo." Evita los clichés, no termines con un video, no pidas apoyo o dinero, y no alargues el agradecimiento. Planea un elegante párrafo de cierre, seguido de un simple "gracias". Termina con una nota poderosa, como una de las siguientes:

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Small businesses can use the key topics covered in the book to improve their presentations by focusing on the following points:

1. Avoid clichés: The book emphasizes the importance of originality in presentations. Small businesses should strive to present their ideas in a unique and engaging manner.

2. Plan an elegant closing: The book suggests ending the presentation on a powerful note. This could be a compelling story, a provocative question, or a call to action that leaves the audience thinking.

3. Don't ask for support or money at the end: The book advises against ending the presentation by asking for support or money. Instead, focus on delivering value and making a strong impression.

4. Deliver powerful presentations to change minds: The book provides strategies on how to persuade the audience and change their minds, which is crucial for small businesses trying to gain market share.

The potential for the book's ideas on public speaking to be implemented in real-world scenarios is significant. The book provides practical tips and strategies that can be applied in various contexts, from business presentations to academic lectures and informal talks. It emphasizes the importance of planning, preparation, and delivery, which are all crucial aspects of effective public speaking. Moreover, the book's ideas are based on TED Talks, which are renowned for their impact and effectiveness in conveying ideas to diverse audiences.

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Retirada: como una cámara que se retira al final de una película, muéstranos la imagen más grande, las posibilidades más amplias que implica tu trabajo.

Llamado a la acción: has dado a tu audiencia una idea poderosa; ahora incítalos a actuar sobre ella.

Compromiso personal

"Me gustaría cerrar aquí poniendo una estaca en la arena en TED. Tengo la intención de liderar esa expedición." Así es como Bill Stone terminó su charla sobre el regreso de los humanos a la luna.

Visión: convierte lo que has discutido en una visión inspiradora o esperanzadora de lo que podría ser.

Resumen: replantea el caso que has estado haciendo de una manera nueva o sorprendente.

Simetría: si tu charla tiene una línea clara, cierra enlazando de nuevo con la apertura. Steven Johnson comenzó su charla sobre de dónde vienen las ideas hablando de la importancia de las cafeterías en la Gran Bretaña industrial. Terminó con una discusión sobre cómo se inventó el GPS y terminó señalando que todos en la audiencia probablemente habían usado un GPS esa semana para hacer cosas como... encontrar la cafetería más cercana.

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The theme of Symmetry in TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking is relevant to contemporary issues and debates in public speaking as it emphasizes the importance of creating a cohesive and balanced narrative in a speech. It suggests that a speaker should link the conclusion of their talk back to the beginning, creating a sense of completeness and balance. This approach can help to engage the audience, make the content more memorable, and enhance the overall impact of the speech. In the context of contemporary public speaking, this can be particularly relevant when addressing complex issues or debates, as it can help to clarify the speaker's position and make their arguments more persuasive.

Yes, there are numerous companies that have successfully implemented the practices outlined in TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. For instance, Google often encourages its employees to use storytelling in their presentations, a key aspect of TED talks. Similarly, Apple is known for its engaging product launches, where presenters use clear and concise language, another important element of TED-style speaking. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these practices can vary depending on the context and the speaker's personal style.

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Letras: si tu charla realmente ha abierto a las personas, puedes terminar con una letra inspiradora, alguna poesía que realmente pueda mover a la audiencia. Pero, solo usa este enfoque cuando el resto de la charla haya preparado el terreno.

En el escenario

Hay algunas reglas simples a seguir, para asegurarte de ser lo más efectivo posible al hablar en el escenario.

14. Ropa

Viste algo razonablemente casual; evita las joyas que hacen ruido; y recuerda que tanto la audiencia como la cámara adoran los colores audaces y vibrantes.

Al planificar tu vestuario para tu charla, comienza con tu audiencia; ¿cómo estarán vestidos? Apunta a algo similar pero un poco más elegante. Si la charla se va a filmar, evita el blanco brillante o el negro azabache, o cualquier cosa con un patrón pequeño y ajustado. Viste algo brillante que pueda verse en la última fila.

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A professional in a traditional sector like manufacturing can apply the advice on wardrobe selection for public speaking by considering their audience first. If the audience is composed of other manufacturing professionals, they should aim to dress similarly but slightly smarter. If the talk is being filmed, they should avoid wearing brilliant white or jet black, or anything with a small, tight pattern. Wearing something bright that can be seen in the back row would be advisable. It's important to remember that the goal is to connect with the audience and not to distract them with the attire.

A small business owner can use the advice on wardrobe selection for public speaking to enhance their presentations by considering their audience's attire and dressing slightly smarter. This can help establish a professional image and command respect. If the presentation is being filmed, they should avoid wearing brilliant white or jet black, or anything with a small, tight pattern, as these can cause issues with the camera. Wearing something bright that can be seen in the back row can help maintain audience engagement, as it ensures visibility.

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Deja las joyas que hacen ruido que pueden chocar en el micrófono y ten un cinturón o una cintura definida para sujetar la batería del micrófono. Asegúrate de que tu ropa esté limpia y planchada. Practica dando tu charla con estas prendas, para detectar cualquier problema de vestuario inesperado que pueda surgir.

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15. Control de nervios

Los nervios no necesitan ser una maldición; ¡dale la vuelta y haz que trabajen para ti!

Hay una serie de trucos que puedes usar para calmar los nervios y hacer que trabajen para ti, no en tu contra. Usa tu miedo como motivación para comprometerte realmente a practicar. Respira profundamente, al estilo de la meditación, antes de subir al escenario. Unos cinco minutos antes de salir, bebe un vaso de agua, para ayudar a evitar que tu boca se seque. Una hora o así antes de tu charla, come algo saludable, aunque solo sea una barra de proteínas.

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The book suggests several strategies to overcome stage fright. One is to use your fear as motivation to practice thoroughly. Deep, meditative breathing before going on stage can also help calm nerves. Drinking a glass of water about five minutes before speaking can prevent your mouth from getting dry. Finally, eating something healthy, like a protein bar, an hour or so before your talk can also be beneficial.

The book "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" suggests using fear as a motivation by channeling it into commitment to practice. It advises to use the nervous energy to focus on preparing for the presentation. Additionally, it recommends deep breathing and meditation before going on stage to calm the nerves. It also suggests practical tips like drinking water before the presentation to prevent dry mouth and eating something healthy an hour before the talk.

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Recuerda, hay poder en ser vulnerable frente a tu audiencia. Encuentra una o dos caras amigables y háblales. Si tienes miedo de que las cosas salgan mal, ten un plan de respaldo: notas o guión al alcance de la mano.

Lo más importante, concéntrate en lo que estás hablando. Recuérdate a ti mismo que esta idea importa; estás apasionado por este tema y estás aquí para compartirlo como un regalo para tu audiencia.

16. Configuración del escenario

Minimiza distracciones como atriles o teleprompters, pero siéntete libre de tener un conjunto de tarjetas de notas en tu mano o usar el atril más mínimo posible, lo que necesites para sentirte cómodo.

La configuración física de tu charla realmente importa. Intenta evitar usar un atril; si necesitas la sensación de tener una copia de seguridad, coloca tus notas en un atril a un lado o detrás del escenario. También puedes tener una serie de pequeñas tarjetas de notas en tu mano, solo asegúrate de que estén en un clip de anillo para mantenerlas en orden. Evita usar una tableta o un teléfono inteligente, hay demasiado desplazamiento distractor involucrado.

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1. Understand your audience: Tailor your talk to the needs and interests of your audience. This will make your presentation more engaging and impactful.

2. Be authentic: Authenticity resonates with people. Share personal stories and experiences to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

3. Practice makes perfect: Rehearse your talk multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. This will also help to alleviate any nerves.

4. Use visuals wisely: Visual aids can enhance your presentation, but they should not distract from your message. Use them to reinforce your points, not to make them.

5. Keep it concise: TED Talks are typically 18 minutes or less. This forces speakers to focus on their most important points. A concise, focused talk is more likely to hold the audience's attention and be remembered.

A startup can use public speaking strategies from TED Talks to grow by applying these techniques in various scenarios such as pitching to investors, presenting ideas to potential partners, or speaking at industry events. The strategies can help to deliver powerful, persuasive presentations that can change minds and attract support for the startup. These strategies include avoiding the use of a lectern, keeping notes to a minimum and avoiding distracting devices like tablets or smartphones. The goal is to engage the audience, convey passion for the idea, and persuade listeners of its potential.

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Si el lugar utiliza monitores de confianza, úsalos solo para mostrar tus diapositivas, no tus notas completas.Se deben evitar también los teleprompters; la audiencia puede notar que estás leyendo a ellos, no hablándoles.

Si no hay forma de que puedas hablar sin un atril frente a ti, haz que sea el más discreto posible. Monica Lewinsky apoyó sus notas en un atril de música.

17. Voz

Las charlas ofrecen más que solo la palabra impresa; la voz humana puede convertir la información en inspiración. Habla con significado; comunica tu pasión. Sobre todo, da tu charla de tu propia manera auténtica.

Tu voz puede conectar, involucrar, motivar y emocionar a tu audiencia de manera más poderosa que solo la palabra impresa. Habla con significado: practica usando diferentes tonos y alturas, ritmo y volumen, a lo largo de tu charla. El objetivo es inyectar variedad en tu charla para que comuniques tu pasión por el tema.

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A company in a traditional sector like manufacturing can apply the public speaking techniques discussed in the TED Guide in several ways. Firstly, they can use these techniques during internal presentations to motivate and engage their employees. This can help in improving internal communication and fostering a positive work environment. Secondly, these techniques can be used during external presentations such as product launches, press conferences, or investor meetings. Effective public speaking can help in clearly communicating the company's vision, goals, and the benefits of their products, thereby influencing stakeholders and driving business growth.

A small business can use the principles of public speaking to engage and motivate their team by incorporating variety in their communication. This can be achieved by using different tones and pitches, pacing, and volume in their talks. The aim is to communicate passion for the subject, which can inspire and motivate the team. Additionally, the principles of public speaking can be used to deliver powerful presentations that can change minds and persuade the team to align with the business's goals and objectives.

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Habla a tu ritmo natural de conversación. Reduce la velocidad cuando introduzcas ideas nuevas o importantes; acelera en los momentos más ligeros. La tecnología moderna de amplificación significa que no tienes que hablar lentamente hasta el fondo de la multitud; el micrófono captará cada palabra y matiz con la misma claridad que si estuvieras hablando con alguien que está justo frente a ti.

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Pacing in public speaking is crucial as it helps in effectively conveying the message. Speaking at a natural, conversational pace makes the speech more engaging and relatable. Slowing down when introducing new or important ideas allows the audience to absorb and understand the information better. Speeding up during lighter moments keeps the speech lively and prevents it from becoming monotonous. Modern amplification technology ensures that every word and nuance is clearly heard, regardless of the speaker's pace.

The theories presented in the book challenge the traditional paradigms of public speaking in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of speaking at a natural, conversational pace, which contrasts with the conventional approach of slow, deliberate speech. Secondly, it suggests that speakers should vary their pace depending on the content, slowing down for new or important ideas and speeding up during lighter moments. This dynamic approach is a departure from the static, one-pace-fits-all style often taught in public speaking. Lastly, it highlights the role of modern technology in public speaking, noting that amplification technology allows speakers to communicate effectively without having to project their voice to the back of the room.

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Párate alto, con el peso distribuido equitativamente en ambos pies, y usa tus manos y brazos para amplificar naturalmente lo que estás diciendo. Si te ayuda a relajarte y concentrarte, por todos los medios camina por el escenario, pero ten cuidado de no pasearte como un animal enjaulado; detente periódicamente para enfatizar un punto clave. Algunos oradores se sientan, eso también puede funcionar. Simplemente haz lo que te resulte más natural.

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1. Stand tall and distribute your weight equally on both feet. This posture conveys confidence and authority.

2. Use your hands and arms to naturally amplify what you're saying. Gestures can help to emphasize your points and engage your audience.

3. If it helps you to relax and focus, feel free to move around the stage. However, avoid pacing like a caged animal. Stop periodically to emphasize a key point.

4. Some speakers prefer to sit down, and that can work too. The key is to do what feels most natural for you.

5. The ultimate goal is to deliver powerful presentations that can change minds. This requires a clear understanding of your message, a well-structured presentation, and the ability to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

The themes in "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in communication. The book provides insights into effective public speaking, which is a crucial skill in today's world where clear and persuasive communication is key. It addresses the importance of body language, tone, and content in delivering powerful presentations. These themes are directly related to ongoing discussions about the role of communication in leadership, education, and personal development.

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18. Ideas innovadoras

Las ideas innovadoras pueden ofrecer actuaciones poderosas; pero nada supera la conexión humano a humano de simplemente hablar. En última instancia, la sustancia importa más que el estilo de presentación.

Existe tanto promesa como peligro en hacer uso de ideas nuevas e innovadoras en tu charla. Los accesorios dramáticos pueden ser geniales, al igual que las pantallas panorámicas ultra anchas. Algunos oradores han utilizado aromas en sus charlas. El gurú del diseño Roman Marks entregó toda su charla como si fuera un podcast mezclado en vivo, completo con clips de audio e imágenes: la mayoría de nosotros carecemos de la habilidad para hacer esto, pero si se emplea de manera efectiva, se convierte en una presentación memorable.

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Some unique techniques discussed in the TED Guide to Public Speaking that can make a presentation memorable include the use of dramatic props, ultra-wide panoramic screens, and even aromas. Another innovative approach is to deliver the talk as if it were a live-mixed podcast, complete with audio clips and images. However, this requires a certain level of skill to be effective.

Innovative ideas like using dramatic props or aromas can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a public speaking presentation by making it more engaging and memorable. Dramatic props can help to illustrate points more vividly, making the content more understandable and relatable to the audience. Aromas, on the other hand, can create a unique sensory experience that can evoke emotions and memories, thereby making the presentation more impactful. However, it's important to use these techniques appropriately and in a way that complements the content of the presentation.

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En TED hemos visto entrevistas en vivo, presentaciones de artistas de spoken word, presentadores duales y el uso de bandas sonoras musicales. El profesor de derecho Lawrence Lessig ha sido pionero en el PowerPoint en esteroides, donde cada frase, incluso cada palabra significativa, va acompañada de una nueva imagen. Hemos tenido invitados especiales sorpresa y presentadores virtuales que no estaban realmente en el escenario. Y, gracias al poder de internet, tenemos charlas que no se dieron frente a una audiencia en vivo.

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The techniques used in TED talks can be applied to other public speaking scenarios in several ways. Firstly, TED talks often use a storytelling approach, which can be very effective in engaging an audience. This can be applied to any public speaking scenario to make your speech more interesting and relatable. Secondly, TED speakers often use visuals to support their points. This can also be applied to other scenarios to help your audience better understand your message. Lastly, TED speakers are known for their passion and enthusiasm, which can be infectious. By showing passion for your topic, you can inspire your audience in any public speaking scenario.

Some examples of surprise elements used in TED talks include live interviews, presentations by spoken word artists, dual presenters, and the use of musical soundtracks. Law professor Lawrence Lessig has pioneered the PowerPoint on steroids—where every sentence, even every significant word, is accompanied by a new visual. There have been surprise special guests, and virtual presenters who were not actually on the stage. And, thanks to the power of the internet, there have been talks that were not delivered in front of a live audience.

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Solo asegúrate de que estas ideas innovadoras no se usen en exceso. Es la idea lo que importa.

El amplio mundo de TED

19. El conocimiento

Las habilidades de hablar en público van a importar aún más en el futuro de lo que ya lo hacen hoy. Estamos entrando en una era en la que todos vamos a necesitar pasar mucho más tiempo aprendiendo unos de otros.

Aprender a presentar tus ideas en vivo a otros humanos es una habilidad esencial. El formato de charla corta de TED expone a las personas a nuevas ideas. Conecta e invigora. Nos muestra que todo el conocimiento está conectado, en una gran red. En TED hay realmente algo para todos, y nunca nos quedaremos sin cosas de las que hablar.

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The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking presents several innovative ideas. One of the most surprising is the concept of the TED short talk format, which exposes people to new ideas in a concise manner. It emphasizes the importance of presenting ideas live to other humans as an essential skill. The guide also highlights the interconnectedness of all knowledge, suggesting that it forms a giant web. This idea invigorates and connects people, showing that there is always something new to talk about.

The concepts from "The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" can be applied in real-world scenarios in various ways. Firstly, they can be used to improve your public speaking skills, whether you're giving a presentation at work, speaking at a conference, or delivering a speech at a social event. The guide provides tips on how to effectively communicate your ideas, engage your audience, and deliver powerful presentations. Secondly, the concepts can be applied in your daily interactions. Effective communication is not only important in public speaking but also in everyday conversations. Lastly, the guide can help you understand how to present your ideas in a way that they can change minds, which is a valuable skill in many areas of life.

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La antigua economía industrial requería que las personas desarrollaran experiencia en temas específicos. En la nueva economía basada en el conocimiento, las computadoras pueden hacerse cargo de las tareas repetitivas y especializadas, dejando a los humanos libres para explorar un pensamiento estratégico a nivel de sistema, más innovación y más creatividad. Esto significa que vamos a necesitar conocimiento que sea contextual y creativo, y que profundice nuestra comprensión de nuestra propia humanidad.

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The insights from "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" can be used to enhance creativity in public speaking by encouraging speakers to explore more system-level strategic thinking, innovation, and creativity. In the new, knowledge-based economy, the ability to deliver powerful presentations that change minds is crucial. The book provides guidance on how to develop expertise in delivering presentations that are not only informative but also engaging and inspiring. It emphasizes the importance of contextual and creative knowledge that deepens our understanding of our own humanity, which can be used to create more impactful and creative speeches.

The book "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" views the role of computers in the new knowledge-based economy as instrumental. It suggests that computers can handle repetitive, specialist tasks, freeing humans to engage in more system-level strategic thinking, innovation, and creativity. In this new economy, the book emphasizes the need for knowledge that is contextual, creative, and deepens our understanding of our own humanity.

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20. Las personas

El cambio tecnológico nos ha dado a todos el poder de conectarnos entre nosotros. Es una revolución en el hablar en público que está abierta a todos.

En 2005 se lanzó un pequeño sitio en línea llamado YouTube. En 2006 estrenamos un puñado de charlas TED en nuestro sitio web. Hoy, TED Talks se ha convertido en una empresa global, con 125 millones de visitas cada mes. Más de 1,000 de nuestros oradores han terminado alcanzando a una audiencia de más de un millón de personas, con solo una charla.

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Potential obstacles when applying concepts from the book could include fear of public speaking, difficulty in structuring a compelling narrative, or lack of confidence in delivering a powerful presentation. Overcoming these obstacles involves practice and preparation. Fear of public speaking can be mitigated by rehearsing in front of a mirror or a small audience. Structuring a compelling narrative can be improved by studying successful TED talks and understanding their structure. Confidence can be built by gaining knowledge about the topic and practicing the delivery.

The ideas in TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking have significant potential to be implemented in real-world scenarios. The guide provides practical tips and strategies for delivering powerful presentations, which can be applied in various contexts such as business meetings, academic conferences, and public speeches. It can help individuals to effectively communicate their ideas and persuade their audience, thereby leading to change in minds and actions. However, the success of implementation largely depends on the individual's ability to adapt and apply these ideas to their specific situation.

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Hoy, es posible para cualquier persona en el planeta que tenga acceso a internet llamar a charlas de los mejores maestros e inspiradores del mundo; un ecosistema interactivo en el que todos podemos aprender unos de otros. Esta es una receta para una espiral ascendente de aprendizaje e innovación.

Existen eventos TEDx que se organizan de manera independiente bajo licencia de TED; se realizan más de 3,000 cada año en más de 150 países. Los clubes TED-Ed permiten a los niños la oportunidad de dar sus propias charlas TED. Y, OpenTED permite a cualquiera subir su propia charla estilo TED a nuestro sitio. La revolución en el hablar en público es para todos.

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The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" has significantly influenced communication strategies in the corporate world. It has introduced a new approach to public speaking, emphasizing the importance of storytelling and personal connection. Many corporations have adopted these principles, focusing on engaging their audience emotionally and intellectually. The guide has also encouraged brevity and clarity in presentations, which has led to more effective and efficient communication in the corporate world.

A small business owner can use the public speaking techniques covered in the book to grow their business in several ways. Firstly, they can use these techniques to deliver powerful presentations to potential investors, clients, or partners, thereby persuading them to invest in, buy from, or collaborate with their business. Secondly, they can use these techniques to effectively communicate their business vision and goals to their team, thereby motivating them to work towards these goals. Lastly, they can use these techniques to present their business in networking events, thereby attracting more connections and opportunities for their business.

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21. El secreto

"El futuro aún no está escrito. Todos nosotros, colectivamente, estamos en el proceso de escribirlo." Chris Anderson

Persigue una idea que sea más grande que tú, así es como descubres algo que vale la pena decir. Sal de la zona de confort de lo que sabes con seguridad, o de lo que otros ya han dicho, y dale al mundo una inspiración que encienda mil conversaciones.

Sí, el hablar en público puede usarse para hacer daño, avivando la ira y la división. Pero, cuando estamos más estrechamente conectados, y las personas realmente se escuchan entre sí, comenzamos a ver el mundo desde una perspectiva más amplia. Martin Luther King Jr. lo dijo mejor: "El arco del universo moral es largo, pero se inclina hacia la justicia."

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The concept of 'public speaking for justice' as explained in the book refers to the power of public speaking to promote justice and positive change. It emphasizes the idea that when people listen to each other and understand different perspectives, they can work towards a more just society. This concept is encapsulated in Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote: 'The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.' This means that the journey towards justice may be long and arduous, but ultimately, it leads to a fair and equitable society.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a master of public speaking, and his style is often studied for its effectiveness. He used a variety of rhetorical devices, including repetition, metaphors, and allusions, to make his speeches more powerful and persuasive. His "I Have a Dream" speech is a prime example of his skill. He also had a deep understanding of his audience and was able to connect with them on an emotional level, which is a key aspect of effective public speaking. The broader implications of his style are that it can be used to inspire change and motivate people to action. His speeches played a crucial role in the civil rights movement and continue to influence public speaking and social movements today.

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Estamos físicamente conectados uno al otro como nunca antes; lo que significa que podemos compartir nuestras mejores ideas entre nosotros como nunca antes.

Como el filósofo Dan Dennett lo puso en una charla temprana de TED,

"El secreto de la felicidad es: encuentra algo más importante que tú y dedica tu vida a ello.""

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